Minor Public Facility Amendments (Approved)

Minor Public Facility Amendments (Approved)
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
This document contains text and maps in support of three proposed amendments to the 1990 Approved Largo-Lottsford Master Plan, the 1993 Approved Landover and Vicinity Master Plan, and the Master Plan of Transportation. The three proposed amendments were recommendations of the MD 202 Corridor Study, which was completed in 1997 with the cooperation of citizen groups and developer representatives. The amendments specifically under consideration would include the following: (a) the conversion of the I-95/I-495/Arena Drive interchange to full-time operation; (b) the deletion of the planned MD 202/Lottsford Road interchange in favor of an at-grade intersection; and (c) the deletion of the planned I-95/I-495/Campus Way interchange in favor of retaining an overpass, with no access to the Capital Beltway, at this location. In response to the desire of citizen groups who participated in the effort, the Planning Board and the District Council have initiated a minor public facility amendment process to further study these changes. This document only addresses the three amendments under study; it does not make any recommendations concerning the zoning of property nor does it contain any recommendations concerning nontransportation planning issues. Consideration of these three proposed amendments will be the initial step toward implementing the recommendations of the MD 202 Corridor Study.