Development Process

Guiding Responsible Growth
In Prince George’s County, we focus on growing responsibly by following a careful and organized approach to our land use goals and policies. Our development process is structured and ensures that the growth aligns with the community’s needs and values, following the rules laid out in the Prince George’s County Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations. The Planning Department is here to help you understand and meet these requirements, providing excellent support and guidance as you navigate through the development review process.
Development Review Process
Assistance is available to those filing zoning, subdivision, and urban design applications and citizens seeking information on pending development applications. Applications are reviewed for completeness, and applicants are advised on advanced notification and sign-posting requirements.
M-NCPPC Permit Review
Site plans submitted with grading, building, sign, and use permits are evaluated for conformance with the Zoning Ordinance and comments are provided to the applicant. Note: Comments are also sent to the County Department of Environmental Resources—the agency responsible for the acceptance, processing, and issuance of permit applications.
Phase 2: M-NCPPC Permit Review
Online Permit Tracking System
Preliminary plans are reviewed to ensure that adequate public facilities are available, or will be available in the future, to serve the proposed development. Final plats, reservation plats, and vacation petitions include all pertinent engineering data necessary to locate every street, lot, block, and boundary on the ground.
Urban Design
Comprehensive and specific design plans, conceptual and detailed site plans, and alternative compliance applications are reviewed for compliance with the Landscape Manual.
Phase 4: Urban Design
Prince George’s County Landscape Manual (2022)
Prior Landscape Manual (2010)
Zoning map amendments, special exceptions, variances, special permits, certification of nonconforming uses, and departures are reviewed for adherence to the Zoning Ordinance. The review often takes into consideration the reasonable use and unique physical characteristics of an individual property to facilitate responsible development.
Resources for the Development Review process include links to instructions, checklists, and forms for Zoning, Subdivision, and Urban Design applications. The Process Guidelines link provides an overview of the process for Planning Board Applications.
Brooke Larman
Planning Supervisor, Planning Information & M-NCPPC Permit Review
PHONE: 301-952-3216
Helen Smith
Supervisor, Planning Information Services
PHONE: 301-952-5401 | 240-545-8976
Sherri Conner
Acting Division Chief, Development Review Division
PHONE: 301-952-3168
Development Review Division
Largo-Permit Review
Largo-Stormwater Management
Planning Information Services
PHONE: 240-545-8976