West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and SMA
West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and SMA

Project Contact Information
Scott Rowe
- Community Planning Division
- Long-Range Planning
- Master Plans and Studies
TEL: 301-952-3521
EMAIL: brandon.rowe@ppd.mncppc.org
Sarah Benton
- Community Planning Division
- Long-Range Planning
TEL: 301-952-5597
EMAIL: Sarah.Benton@ppd.mncppc.org
Lyndsey Clouatre
- Community Planning Division
- Long-Range Planning
EMAIL: lyndsey.clouatre@ppd.mncppc.org
New Joint Public Hearing Date—October 1, 2024
The Prince George’s County Planning Board and County Council rescheduled the Joint Public Hearing, originally scheduled for Monday, July 8, 2024, to Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 6 p.m. at the Wayne K. Curry Administration Building (1301 McCormick Drive, Largo, MD.) to hear public testimony regarding the second Staff Draft of the West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment (SMA)
To register to speak or submit comments or written testimony, please use the Council’s eComment portal at: https://pgccouncil.us/Speak or submit your comments via email to onlinesignup@co.pg.md.us. On-site registration is now available; however, advance registration to testify is strongly encouraged. Speakers will be given 3 minutes to speak. Written comments may be submitted through the close of business on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, when the record of public hearing testimony will close.
The Proposed Sectional Map Amendment involves potential zoning intensification for the properties within the SMA boundaries. If you intend to provide oral testimony at the joint public hearing or submit a written statement on the record regarding the plan or SMA, and your intent is to request or support an intensification of zoning, you must complete and return an affidavit in accordance with the State Public Ethics law for Prince George’s County, outlined in Sections 5-833 through 5-839, General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland. The completed affidavit must be received by the Clerk of the Council via the Council’s eComment portal or via email at onlinesignup@co.pg.md.us prior to the close of business on Friday, August 30, 2024. Additionally, in accordance with Section 2–296 of the Prince George’s County Code and Maryland Annotated Code, General Provisions, Section 5–836, any communication on the matter with a member of the County Council or the County Executive must be disclosed via an ex parte disclosure form. The form must be filed within five (5) working days after the communication was made or received.
In accordance with the provisions of the State Public Ethics Law, failure to file an affidavit before the close of business on Friday, August 30, 2024, may delay or prohibit consideration of your testimony by the District Council.
Affidavit and ex parte disclosure forms for Prince George’s County are available for download on the Maryland State Ethics Commission website at:
For individuals: https://ethics.maryland.gov/wp-content/uploads/filebase/local-gov/local-gov-forms/PGNO1.pdf
For entities: https://ethics.maryland.gov/wp-content/uploads/filebase/local-gov/local-gov-forms/PGNO2.pdf
For agents: https://ethics.maryland.gov/wp-content/uploads/filebase/local-gov/local-gov-forms/PGNO3.pdf
For more information on the affidavits and ex parte disclosure form, please see the Special Ethics Law Memo here: https://ethics.maryland.gov/wp-content/uploads/filebase/local-gov/local-gov-forms/PG-County-Zoning.pdf. Any questions about the affidavit and ex parte disclosure form should be addressed to the State Ethics Commission at 410-260-7770.
Staff Draft Sector Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment Released
On May 2, 2024, the Prince George’s County Planning Board voted to publicly release the second Staff Draft of the West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment (SMA). The sector plan and SMA are available for review at https://pgplan.org/WHQCStaffDraft.
Queens Chapel Manor Community Meeting —February 27, 2024
Prince George’s County Planning Department staff met with members of the public on Tuesday, February 27 at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church to discuss the Staff Draft West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and SMA’s recommendations for new housing opportunities in the Queens Chapel Manor neighborhood.
Remand of the Staff Draft Sector Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment (SMA)
On December 15, 2022, the Prince George’s County Planning Board remanded the Staff Draft West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and the Proposed Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) back to the Planning Department for further evaluation. See the Planning Department’s Staff Analysis and Recommendations for more information about the issues necessitating this action. Once these issues have been resolved, the Staff Draft Sector Plan and Proposed SMA will be re-released to the public for review and comment, and another Joint Public Hearing will be held. Stay tuned to this website for more information!
Joint Public Hearing
Thank you for joining our Joint Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, to seek public testimony concerning the Staff Draft West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment (SMA). The record of public hearing testimony closed on Wednesday, October 26, 2022. The Prince George’s County Planning Department staff will analyze the public testimony and present their analysis and recommendations to the Prince George’s County Planning Board during an upcoming work session in December.
Public Release of the Staff Draft West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) for Public Review
On July 28, 2022, the Prince George’s County Planning Board released the Staff Draft West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and the Proposed Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) for public review.
Demystifying the SMA
Thank you to those who joined us for the Virtual Info Session about the West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) on Wednesday, June 1, 2022. Did you miss the meeting? You can still view and share at any time here.
Initiation of Concurrent SMA
On January 18, 2022, the Prince George’s County Council, sitting as the District Council, initiated a sectional map amendment to be conducted concurrently with the West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan. A sectional map amendment (SMA) is a comprehensive rezoning process that implements sector plan recommendations and results in a new zoning map for the sector plan area only. Typically, this process results in a zoning change for only a few of the properties in the subject area, and the remaining properties are left in their previous zones. The sector plan process has been underway since the fall of 2020, and a concurrent SMA will facilitate the efficient implementation of rezoning recommendations in the sector plan at the same time as plan approval in 2023. For more information, please see the SMA FAQ page.
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WHQC Sector Plan Video
Check out our project team members as they talk about the plan for the West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel area!
The West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan will be a guiding document developed through a multi-year process of public engagement to address future development in the communities in and around the West Hyattsville Metro Station, an area designated as a Local Transit Center in Plan Prince George’s 2035. This plan will replace in its entirety the 2006 Approved Transit District Development Plan for the West Hyattsville Transit District Overlay Zone, and it will supersede (within the project boundaries) the 1994 Approved Master Plan for Planning Area 68 and the 2004 Approved Sector Plan for the Prince George’s County Gateway Arts District. It will reflect the vision and goals contained in Plan 2035, including focusing on new development in designated centers and preserving existing neighborhoods. This new sector plan will examine the area’s existing conditions, issues, and opportunities identified by community members and other stakeholders, and market potential; and develop a vision and goals for future growth and preservation, along with specific and focused policies and strategies to achieve those goals.
A sectional map amendment (SMA) is being conducted concurrently with this plan.
Welcome to our Resources Center!

Here, you will find information related to the West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and the planning process in Prince George’s County. Some resources below will show you what the planning team has been working on.
The planning team for the West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan has hosted numerous community engagement events to present project information and to engage with and gather input from residents and stakeholders. You can view project materials, videos, and event presentations below.
Project Materials
Existing Conditions Open House
Existing Conditions Summary
Virtual Visioning Workshop
Planning in Prince George’s County
The Prince George’s County Planning Department is working tirelessly to create the communities of choice you know and love. We want to provide our residents with all of the resources they need to remain informed and a part of the process for how their communities develop and grow. Below you will find some resources that can help you navigate the planning process and learn about current initiatives.

Previous Plans
The West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan will replace the 2006 Approved Transit District Development Plan for the West Hyattsville Transit District Overlay Zone. You can view that plan here to see previous recommendations for the area.
Sarah Benton
Planning Supervisor, Long-Range Planning Section
PHONE: 301-952-5597
EMAIL: Sarah.Benton@ppd.mncppc.org
Scott Rowe
Master Planner, Community Planning
PHONE: 301-952-3521
EMAIL: brandon.rowe@ppd.mncppc.org