Commercial Zones

After April 1, 2022

Current Ordinance

In the Zoning Ordinance effective April 1, 2022, the commercial zones have been consolidated from eleven zones to three zones to eliminate redundancy and allow more uses in the same zones. Offices, retail, health care, and apartments will coexist, while density and design standards will determine the look and feel of commercial areas. See descriptions and purposes of each new commercial zone below and reference the Zoning Ordinance for the full details. 

CN: Commercial, Neighborhood Zone

The purposes of the Commercial, Neighborhood (CN) Zone are:

  • To provide lands for a range of small-scale, low-intensity retail and service commercial development that provides goods and services primarily serving the daily needs of residents of the immediately surrounding neighborhoods
  • To ensure uses, development intensities, and development forms that are consistent with a pedestrian-friendly and neighborhood-scale, traditional main street character, that are well-connected to and compatible with surrounding areas, and that do not attract significant traffic from outside the surrounding neighborhoods

CS: Commercial, Service Zone

The purposes of the Commercial, Service (CS) Zone are:

  • To provide for a concentration of retail sales and services (including auto-oriented commercial uses), office, and eating or drinking establishments
  • To accommodate medium- to moderately high-density residential development as part of vertically or horizontally mixed-use development

CGO: Commercial, General and Office Zone

The purposes of the Commercial, General and Office (CGO) Zone are:

  • To provide lands for a diverse range of business, civic, and mixed-use development, typically at or near major intersections where visibility and good access are important, in a form that supports connections and a balance between automobile access and pedestrian-friendliness
  • To incorporate development with multiple uses, shared parking, and coordinated signage and landscaping
  • To accommodate higher-density residential uses as part of vertically or horizontally mixed-use development
Prior April 1, 2022

Prior Ordinance

C-O: Commercial Office

Uses of a predominantly nonretail commercial nature, such as business, professional and medical offices, or related administrative services

C-A: Ancillary Commercial

Certain small retail commercial uses, physician and dental offices, and similar professional offices that are strictly related to and supply necessities in frequent demand and daily needs of an area with a minimum of consumer travel; maximum size of zone: 3 net acres.

C-S-C: Commercial Shopping Center

Retail and service commercial activities generally located within shopping center facilities; size will vary according to trade area

C-1: Local Commercial, Existing

All of the uses permitted in the C-S-C Zone

C-2: General Commercial, Existing

All of the uses permitted in the C-S-C Zone, with additions and modifications

C-C: Community Commercial, Existing

All of the uses permitted in the C-S-C Zone

C-G: General Commercial, Existing

All of the uses permitted in the C-S-C Zone

C-M: Commercial Miscellaneous

Varied commercial uses, including office and highway-oriented uses, which may be disruptive to the compactness and homogeneity of retail shopping centers

C-H: Highway Commercial, Existing

All of the uses permitted in the C-M Zone

C-W: Commercial Waterfront

Marine activities related to tourism, vacationing, boating and sports, water-oriented recreation, together with limited employment areas which cater to marine activities along a waterfront.

C-R-C: Commercial Regional Center

Provides locations for major regional shopping malls and related uses that are consistent with the concept of an upscale mall.

  • Detailed Site Plan approval required
  • Maximum building coverage, excluding parking – 50%
  • Maximum building height – 75 feet
  • Maximum FAR – 0.75
  • Minimum area for development – 100 gross continuous acres

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