Transit-Oriented/Activity Center Zones

Effective April 1, 2022, the Zoning Ordinance creates an entirely new set of zones to support mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly development around transit stations and activity centers. The Transit-Oriented/Activity Zones acknowledge that the County is no longer exclusively suburban and encourage strategically-located, urban development. These zones allow a broad range of uses and promote attractive and amenity-rich communities. See descriptions and purposes of the new Transit-Oriented/Activity Center Zones below and reference the Zoning Ordinance for full details.

Neighborhood Activity Center (NAC) Zone

The purposes of the Neighborhood Activity Center (NAC) Zone are to provide lands for lower-density, small-scale, mixed-use centers that are attractive to employers and employees, are well connected to transit, and serve the surrounding neighborhood; to incorporate walkable and bikeable areas that are well-connected to a regional transportation network through a range of transit options; and to provide a mix of uses that serve local neighborhood needs.

Town Activity Center (TAC) Zone

The purposes of the Town Activity Center (TAC) Zone are to provide lands for moderate-intensity, auto-accessible, mixed-use centers that serve larger areas of surrounding neighborhoods; to provide a mix of uses that serve community-wide needs; and to encourage development that is well integrated in terms of complementary uses, access and circulation and compatible design.

Local Transit-Oriented (LTO) Zone

The purposes of the Local Transit-Oriented (LTO) Zone are to provide lands for moderate-intensity, vibrant, and transit-rich mixed-use centers; to incorporate walkable and bikeable areas that are well-connected to a regional transportation network through a range of transit options; to provide a mix of uses that serve community-wide needs; and to encourage development that is well integrated in terms of complementary uses, access and circulation and compatible design.

Regional Transit-Oriented, Low-Intensity (RTO-L) and High-Intensity (RTO-H) Zone

The purposes of the Regional Transit-Oriented, Low-Intensity (RTO-L) and Regional Transit-Oriented, High-Intensity (RTO-H) Zones are to provide lands for high-intensity, vibrant, mixed-use centers that are intended to capture the majority of the County’s future residential and employment growth and development; to incorporate walkable and bikeable areas that are well-connected to a regional transportation network through a range of transit options; to provide a mix of uses that serve regional needs; and to encourage development that is well integrated in terms of complementary uses, access and circulation and compatible design.

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