Cheverly National Register Nomination

Cheverly National Register Nomination

Cheverly, MD

Project Description


Nominate historically significant portions of the Town of Cheverly to the National Register of Historic Places to achieve recognition of its historic significance, enabling the use of Maryland state tax incentives for the preservation and rehabilitation of contributing properties.


At its meeting of February 28, 2023, the Governor’s Consulting Committee on the National Register (GCC) reviewed the Cheverly National Register nomination and tabled it, requesting the nomination be modified with terminology changes, clarifications and additional research and context. Specifically, the GCC directed that the period of significance should be revised to not include Mount Hope (already individually listed on the National Register), but not so late that any dwellings in the Fourth Ward are excluded. In addition, they directed that the nomination fully address the role of covenants and how African American residents were able to break or otherwise get around them. The GCC suggested adding Social History-Civil Rights as an area of significance under Criterion A, and to include a comparison of Cheverly to similar developments in Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties.

Next Steps: The consultant is continuing to revise the nomination under the direction of the Maryland Historical Trust. The revised nomination will be presented at the October 2023 GCC meeting. If the GCC’s recommendation is favorable, and the State Historic Preservation Officer concurs, the nomination will be forwarded to the National Register office of the National Park Service for final action. The revised nomination will be posted on this page when it is available in July or August 2023.

Click here for the HPS Staff Report. on the nomination submitted in February.

The updated final draft is available at the link below:
Cheverly Historic District National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form

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Project Boundary
Kickoff Meeting: August 3, 2020
Survey Work: October-December 2020
Research, analysis, and writing: January-December 2021
Map Preparation: January-March 2022
Draft nomination completed: July 2022
Presentation to Cheverly community: September 8, 2022 at Town Meeting
Historic Preservation Commission Hearing: February 21, 2023
Governor’s Consulting Committee requests changes: February 28, 2023
Revised nomination submitted to M-NCPPC staff: June 5, 2023
Revised nomination submitted to Maryland Historical Trust: July 1, 2023
Governor’s Consulting Committee Meeting to review nomination: October 2023
Listing in National Register: Fall 2023 (Tentative)