Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability
The Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability (PALS) is administered by the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland, College Park. It is a campus-wide initiative that harnesses the expertise of UMD faculty and the energy and ingenuity of UMD students to help Maryland communities become more environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable. PALS is designed to provide innovative, low-cost assistance to the Planning Department while creating real-world problem-solving experiences for University of Maryland graduate and undergraduate students.
The Prince George’s Planning Department began its partnership with PALS in 2019; it completed sixteen projects covering a range of issues, including planning and development, environmental and social issues, and transit-oriented development. We are now working to finalize more courses for the academic year 2021-2022. Follow us to stay informed and engaged with this partnership.
There are no updates at this time.

Completed Projects
Spring 2024: Creative Placemaking Along the Kenilworth Avenue Corridor
Spring 2024: Comparative Analysis of Best Practices of Amenities and Standards for Planned Development Zones
Spring 2024: Transforming the Excessive Parking Lots at the New M-NCPPC Largo Headquarters.
Fall 2023 Business Plan for Community Forklift
Fall 2023: Adaptive Reuse of Hyattsville Justice Center
Spring 2023: Sounds of Prince George’s County Extensions
Spring 2023: Exploring Community Along Anacostia Tributary Trail System
Fall 2022: Bicycling Infrastructure and Cultural Obstacles and Opportunities
Fall 2022: Wilmer’s Park Site Inventory and Park Recommendations
Spring 2022: Bike Stress Map Application and Application Instructional Video
Fall 2021: Redlining – Racial Covenants
Fall 2021: Sounds of Prince George’s County
Fall 2021: Abandoned Cemetery
Spring 2021: Envisioning the Future at Prince George’s Plaza
Spring 2021: Farming and Folk Art in Prince George’s County
Spring 2021: Food Access and Equity in Prince George’s County
Fall 2020: Aquaponics in Prince George’s County
Fall 2020: Brandywine Farmer’s Market
Fall 2020: Cultural Landscapes and Cemetery
Spring 2020: Cheverly Tactical Urbanism
Spring 2020: Small-Scale Production in Prince George’s County
Spring 2020: Suitland Tactical Urbanism
Fall 2019: Changing Landscapes Farmsteads & Resort Towns
Fall 2019: Community Engagement for Vulnerable Communities: Flooding Impacts & Adaptation in East Riverdale-Beacon Heights
Fall 2019: Making Place – Transit-Oriented Development for Largo, Maryland
Fall 2019: Redlining in Prince George’s County, Maryland

Contact Us
Maha Tariq
Planner II, Neighborhood Revitalization Section
PHONE: 301-952-5389