Legacy Zones

After April 1, 2022

Current Ordinance

Effective April 1, 2022, the Zoning Ordinance designates four Legacy Zones to ensure a smooth transition to the new Ordinance. These Legacy Zones carry forward regulations and procedures from the prior Ordinance for specific properties that developed under a unique set of rules prior to April 1, 2022. No property can be rezoned into a Legacy Zone after April 1, 2022. See descriptions and purposes of each Legacy Zone and reference the Zoning Ordinance for full details.

LMXC: Legacy Mixed-Use Community Zone

The purpose of the Legacy Mixed-Use Community (LMXC) Zone is to recognize Mixed-Use Community (M-X-C) Zones established prior to April 1, 2022 for which a Comprehensive Sketch Plan, Preliminary Plan of Subdivision, Final Development Plan, or Detailed Site Plan was approved prior to April 1, 2022. The zone provides for a comprehensively planned community with a balanced mix of residential, commercial, light manufacturing, recreational and public uses; includes a multi-step review process to assure compatibility of proposed land uses with existing and proposed surrounding land uses, public facilities and public services; mandates that each development include residential uses, community use areas, neighborhood centers and an integrated public street system with a variety of street standards.

LMUTC: Legacy Mixed-Use Town Center Zone

The purpose of the Legacy Mixed-Use Town Center (LMUTC) Zone is to recognize Mixed-Use Town Center (M-U-TC) Zones established prior to April 1, 2022. This zone provides for a mix of commercial and limited residential uses which establish a safe, vibrant, 24-hour environment; designed to promote appropriate redevelopment of, and the preservation and adaptive reuse of selected buildings in, older commercial areas; establishes a flexible regulatory framework, based on community input, to encourage compatible development and redevelopment; mandates approval of a Development Plan at the time of zoning approval, that includes minimum and maximum Development Standards and Guidelines, in both written and graphic form, to guide and promote local revitalization efforts; provides for legally existing buildings to be expanded or altered, and existing uses for which valid permits have been issued to be considered permitted uses, and eliminating nonconforming building and use regulations for same.

Find more information on the existing LMUTC Zones here.

RMH: Planned Mobile Home Community Zone

The purposes and standards associated with this zone are as set for the R-M-H Zone in the prior Zoning Ordinance. The zone provides for suitable sites for planned mobile home communities, including residences and related recreational, commercial, and service facilities, subject to Detailed Site Plan approval.

LCD: Legacy Comprehensive Design Zones

The purpose of the Legacy Comprehensive Design (LCD) Zone is to recognize comprehensive design zones established prior to April 1, 2022 for which a Basic Plan, Comprehensive Design Plan (CDP), or Specific Design Plan (SDP) was approved prior to April 1, 2022. These legacy zones require three-phase development plan review, the first of which is Basic Plan approval at the time of rezoning that establishes general land use types, land use relationships, and minimum land use quantities. In zones providing for density and intensity ranges, increases in base density and intensity within the limits prescribed are allowed in return for public benefit features provided by the developer.

Prior to April 1, 2022


M-X-C: Mixed Use Community

Provides for a comprehensively planned community with a balanced mix of residential, commercial, light manufacturing, recreational and public uses; includes a multi-step review process to assure compatibility of proposed land uses with existing and proposed surrounding land uses, public facilities and public services; mandates that each development include residential uses, community use areas, neighborhood centers and an integrated public street system with a variety of street standards.

  • Minimum tract size – 750 gross acres
  • Lot size and dwelling types – No Restrictions
  • Maximum dwelling units per gross acre – 2
  • Maximum floor area ratio for
  • Commercial uses – 0.4

M-X-T: Mixed Use Transportation-Oriented

Provides for a variety of residential, commercial, and employment uses; mandates at least two out of the following three use categories:

  1. Retail businesses
  2. Office / Research/Industrial
  3. Dwellings, hotel/motel

Encourages a 24-hour functional environment; must be located near a major intersection or a major transit stop or station and will provide adequate transportation facilities for the anticipated traffic or at a location for which the applicable Master Plan recommends mixed uses similar to those permitted in the M-X-T Zone.

  • Lot size and dwelling types – No Restrictions
  • Maximum floor area ratio – 0.4 without optional method
    • 8.0 with optional method (provision of amenities)

M-U-TC: Mixed-Use Town Center

Provides for a mix of commercial and limited residential uses which establish a safe, vibrant, 24-hour environment; designed to promote appropriate redevelopment of, and the preservation and adaptive reuse of selected buildings in, older commercial areas; establishes a flexible regulatory framework, based on community input, to encourage compatible development and redevelopment; mandates approval of a Development Plan at the time of zoning approval, that includes minimum and maximum Development Standards and Guidelines, in both written and graphic form, to guide and promote local revitalization efforts; provides for legally existing buildings to be expanded or altered, and existing uses for which valid permits have been issued to be considered permitted uses, and eliminating nonconforming building and use regulations for same.

M-U-I: Mixed-Use Infill

Promotes Smart Growth principles by encouraging the efficient use of land, public facilities and services in areas that are substantially developed. These regulations are intended to create community environments enhanced by a mix of residential, commercial, recreational, open space, employment and institutional uses in accordance with approved plans. The infill zone may only be approved for property located in a Transit District Overlay Zone or a Development District Overlay Zone.

R-P-C: Planned Community

Provides for a combination of uses permitted in all zones, to promote a large-scale community development with a full range of dwellings providing living space for a minimum of 500 families; encourages recreational, commercial, institutional, and employment facilities within the planned community; requires conformance with an Official Plan identifying zoning subcategories, that has been adopted by the Planning Board following approval of a Final Plan by the District Council at the time of rezoning, and for certain R-P-C Zones, approval of a Detailed Site Plan prior to development.

  • Lot size and dwelling types – Varied
  • Maximum dwelling units per gross acre – 8

R-M-H: Planned Mobile Home Community

Provides for suitable sites for planned mobile home communities, including residences and related recreational, commercial, and service facilities, subject to Detailed Site Plan approval.

  • Minimum lot size – 4,000 square feet
  • Maximum mobile homes per acre – 7

R-L: Residential Low Development

Provides for low-density residential development in areas recommended by a Master Plan for alternative low – density development techniques. The zone allows a mixture of residential types and lot sizes generally corresponding to single-family development; provides for limited commercial uses necessary to serve the dominant residential uses.

  • Minimum tract size – Generally 100 adjoining gross acres
  • Low 0.5 – Base density (dwelling units per gross acre) – 0.5
    • Maximum density – 0.9
    • Maximum mixed retirement development density – 8 du/gross acre
  • Low 1.0 – Base Density (dwelling units per gross acre) – 1.0
    • Maximum density – 1.5
    • Maximum mixed retirement development density – 8 du/gross acre

R-S: Residential Suburban Development

A mixture of residential types within the suburban density range generally corresponding to low-density single-family development; provides for limited commercial uses necessary to serve the dominant residential uses.

  • Minimum tract size – Generally 25 adjoining gross acres
  • Suburban 1.6 – Base density (dwelling units per gross acre) – 1.6
    • Maximum density – 2.6
    • Maximum mixed retirement development density – 8 du/gross acre
  • Suburban 2.7 – Base density (dwelling units per gross acre) – 2.7
    • Maximum density – 3.5
    • Maximum mixed retirement development density – 8 du/gross acre

R-M: Residential Medium Development

A mixture of residential types with a medium-density range; provides for limited commercial uses necessary to serve the dominant residential uses.

  • Minimum tract size – Generally 10 adjoining gross acres
  • Medium 3.6 – Base density (dwelling units per gross acre) – 3.6
    • Maximum density – 5.7
    • Maximum mixed retirement development density – 8 du/gross acre
  • Medium 5.8 – Base density (dwelling units per gross acre) – 5.8
    • Maximum density – 7.9
      • Maximum mixed retirement development density – 8 du/gross acre

R-U: Residential Urban Development

A mixture of residential types generally associated with an urban environment; provides for limited commercial uses necessary to serve the dominant residential uses.

  • Minimum tract size – Generally 5 adjoining gross acres
  • Urban 8.0 – Base density (dwelling units per gross acre) – 8.0
    • Maximum density – 11.9
    • Maximum mixed retirement development density – 8 du/gross acre
  • Urban 12.0 – Base density (dwelling units per gross acre) – 12.0
    • Maximum density – 16.9
    • Maximum mixed retirement development density – 8 du/gross acre

L-A-C: Local Activity Center

A mixture of commercial retail and service uses along with complementary residential densities within a hierarchy of centers servicing three distinct service areas: neighborhood, village, and community.

  • Neighborhood Village Community
  • Minimum tract size 4 adjoining gross ac. 10 adjoining gross ac. 20 adjoining gross ac.
  • Base residential density 8 du/gross residential ac. 10 du/gross residential ac. 10 du/gross residential ac.
  • Maximum residential density 12.1 du/gross residential ac. 15 du/gross residential ac. 20 du/gross residential ac.
  • Base commercial intensity 0.16 FAR 0.2 FAR 0.2 FAR
  • Maximum commercial intensity 0.31 FAR 0.64 FAR 0.68 FAR
  • Maximum mixed retirement development density 8 du/gross ac. 8 du/gross ac. 8 du/gross ac.

M-A-C: Major Activity Center

A mixture of uses which serve a regional residential market or provide concentrated employment, arranged to allow easy pedestrian access between uses; two types of functional centers are described: Major Metro and New Town or Corridor City.

  • Minimum tract size – Generally 40 adjoining gross acres
  • Metro Center
  • New Town or City Corridor Center
  • Base residential density 48 du/gross residential ac. 10 du/gross residential ac.
  • Maximum residential density 125 du/gross residential ac. 47.9 du/gross residential ac.
  • Base commercial intensity 1.0 FAR/gross 0.2 FAR/gross commercial ac. commercial ac.
  • Maximum commercial intensity 2.7 FAR/gross 0.88 FAR/gross commercial ac. commercial ac.
  • Minimum residential floor area 20% of total at time 20% of total at time of full development of full development
  • Maximum mixed retirement 8 du/gross ac. 8 du/gross ac. development density

E-I-A: Employment and Institutional Area

A concentration of nonretail employment and institutional uses and services such as medical, manufacturing, office, religious, educational, recreational, and governmental.

  • Minimum tract size – Generally 5 adjoining gross acres
  • Minimum open space improved by landscaping – 20% of net lot area

V-L: Village-Low

Provides for a variety of residential, commercial, recreational, and employment uses within a traditional village setting surrounded by open space; mandates the following land use area categories: (1) Village Proper; (2) Village Fringe; (3) Residential Areas; (4) Village Buffer; 5 Recreational Areas. Land use areas are arranged to allow a sense of community with linkage via a pedestrian network to a core which contains commercial, civic, community, and residential uses; also mandates a mixture of residential types and lot sizes, including affordable housing units; includes detailed design standards and building materials requirements. This Zone may be utilized in areas recommended for permanent low density by a Master Plan.

  • Minimum tract size – 150 contiguous gross acres
  • Maximum density – 1.3 dwelling units per gross acre

V-M: Village-Medium

Provides for a variety of residential, commercial, recreational, and employment uses within a traditional village setting surrounded by open space; mandates the following land use area categories:

  1. Village Proper
  2. Village Fringe
  3. Residential Areas
  4. Village Buffer
  5. Recreational Areas

Land use areas are arranged to allow a sense of community with linkage via a pedestrian network to a core which contains commercial, civic, community, and residential uses; also mandates a mixture of residential types and lot sizes, including affordable housing units; includes detailed design standards and building materials requirements.
This Zone may be utilized in areas recommended for permanent low density by a Master Plan.

  • Minimum tract size – 300 contiguous gross acres
  • Maximum density – 2.0 dwelling units per gross acre

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