Port Towns Sector Plan and SMA

Port Towns Sector Plan and SMA

4915 Annapolis Road
Bladensburg, MD 20710

Project Contact Information

Port Town Sector Plan and SMA Team

  • Community Planning Division

EMAIL: Porttowns@ppd.mncppc.org

Sarah Benton

  • Community Planning Division
    • Long-Range Planning

TEL: 301-952-5597

EMAIL: Sarah.Benton@ppd.mncppc.org

Josephine Selvakumar

  • Community Planning Division
    • Master Plans and Studies

TEL: 301-952-3551

EMAIL: josephine.selvakumar@ppd.mncppc.org

Arnaldo Ruiz

  • Community Planning Division
    • Long-Range Planning

TEL: 301-952-4523

EMAIL: arnaldo.ruiz@ppd.mncppc.org



Thank you!

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the community for your continued support and engagement. Our team is diligently working on the draft plan and will update the website as we progress. When the draft plan is ready for public review, we will let you know. Stay tuned for more updates!

Final Open House

On September 26, the Port Towns Sector Plan and SMA team from the Prince George’s County Planning Department hosted its final Open House. If you were unable to attend, or unable to share all of your comments, we’ve provided an online version of the open house for your convenience. Please review our exhibits and share comments by Friday, October 18th, through the following survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PortTownsOpenHouseFinal

Pre-Planning and Initiation (Phase 1 Completed)

Pre-Planning (Winter 2022 โ€“ Fall 2023)

The pre-planning phase consisted of conducting background research, organizing stakeholder interviews, and engaging in community engagement. This resulted in the project team’s better understanding of Port Towns’s existing conditions, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

This information was compiled into a StoryMap, an Esri ArcGIS Online tool that provides a concise and visually engaging interactive summary of the existing conditions within the sector plan area.

Project Team Kick-Off Event (September 2023)

On Tuesday, September 12, 2023, the project team hosted a hybrid Project Team Kick-Off Meeting for the Port Towns Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment Update. This event served as an introduction to the project and brought together the project team for the first time. The work session set primary goals to establish a shared understanding of the projectโ€™s scope, expectations, and the specific roles each participant will undertake.

Following the meeting, staff members and consultants went on an area tour led by the core team and town managers from Bladensburg, Edmonston, Colmar Manor, and Cottage City.

County Council Initiation (October 2023)

On October 24, 2023, the Prince Georgeโ€™s County Council, sitting as the District Council, approved Council Resolution CR-094-2023, authorizing The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission to prepare a sector plan and concurrent sectional map amendment (SMA) for Port Towns. The Council simultaneously approved the goals, concepts, guidelines, and a public participation program for this comprehensive planning project within portions of Planning Areas 68 and 69. 

Project Kick-Off Event

Thank you for being part of the Port Towns Kickoff event on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, and providing your invaluable feedback which is integral to crafting our success. Your active engagement on Slido and for in-person activities is deeply appreciated.  

If you couldnโ€™t attend the meeting or would like to dive deeper into what we found in our research, please check out our Port Towns Sector Plan Existing Conditions Story Map. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation is available here, and the recorded video of the kickoff meeting is here

Project Video

Story Map

Take a look at our StoryMap! The StoryMap, an Esri ArcGIS Online tool, provides a concise, visually engaging, and interactive summary of the existing conditions within the sector plan area organized by the eight Plan 2035 elements.

Join Us

We are excited to collaborate with you and encourage you to get involved and share your ideas with us. For more information about this ongoing project and how you can be involved, please email the project team at Porttowns@ppd.mncppc.org.

You can also join our mailing list by clicking the button below to stay updated on the project, provide valuable input, and learn more about your community.



The Prince Georgeโ€™s County Planning Department seeks to initiate a multi-year effort to develop a new sector plan for Port Towns, designated a Neighborhood Center by Plan Prince Georgeโ€™s 2035 Approved General Plan (Plan 2035). The sector plan will be developed concurrently with a sectional map amendment (SMA) for the portions of Planning Areas 68 and 69 that include the Bladensburg, Colmar Manor, Cottage City and Edmonston areas. 

The Port Towns Sector Plan will replace the 2009 Approved Port Towns Sector Plan and SMA to identify updated, achievable, and realistic long-term vision, goals, policies, and strategies for the Port Towns area. The plan will also supersede portions of 1994 Approved Master Plan for Planning Area 68 and the 2018 Approved Greater Cheverly Sector Plan. The Sector Planโ€™s recommendations are intended to support the implementation of Plan 2035 by guiding growth and development, along with phased infrastructure improvements, in the Port Towns. It will reflect the vision and goals contained in Plan 2035, including focusing new development in designated centers and preserving existing neighborhoods, and will amend applicable countywide functional master plans. A consultant team was contracted in July 2023 to begin work on this project in Fall 2023, focusing on market analysis and feasibility studies, urban design and visioning, transportation and mobility analysis, and zoning analysis, all with an emphasis on supporting existing commercial development and spurring revitalization. Stakeholder engagement for this plan began in late Fall of 2022.

The Port Towns Sector Plan area is approximately 1,935-acres. The sector plan area generally comprises the properties contained within the municipal boundaries of Bladensburg, Colmar Manor, Cottage City, and Edmonston, all located within Subregion II and Council District 5. The Towns of Cottage City, Colmar Manor, and Edmonston are in Planning Area 68 and the Town of Bladensburg is in Planning Area 69. The project will cover areas within Plan 2035โ€™s Established Communities Areas and Neighborhood Centers.

The sector plan area (see Maps) also includes properties south of the Bladensburg municipal boundary from the south side of MD 450 (Annapolis Road) to MD 295 (Baltimore-Washington Parkway) (excluding the properties within the Cheverly municipal boundary) east to the Colmar Manor municipal boundary, and properties east of the Edmonston municipal boundary and north and west of the Bladensburg boundary to Carters Lane. The boundary encompasses the municipal borders of Bladensburg, Cottage City, and Edmonston except for Colmar Manor, which is not entirely within this boundary. The sector plan area is largely residential but contains a mix of other uses, including several shopping centers, employment areas, and portions of the Northeast and Northwest Branches of the Anacostia River.โ€ฏ 

The sector plan area includes major transportation routes and commercial corridors that impact the visual character and economic viability of these inner-ring suburban communities. Bladensburg Road is a gateway to Prince Georgeโ€™s County from the District of Columbia, as well as a major commercial thoroughfare for the Port Towns communities. US 1 (Baltimore Avenue) and MD 201 (Kenilworth Avenue) are both prime routes for truck traffic and important commercial corridors.

Community Engagement

Key Community Input Points

Workshop (June 2024)
Steering Committee Meeting (January 2024)

On Saturday, June 8th, the Port Towns team, in collaboration with the Prince George’s County Placemaking Section, hosted an interactive outdoor workshop at the Lariscy Spark event to engage the public in shaping how we live, shop, eat, create, recreate, and get around in the future Port Towns.

The communityโ€™s feedback is essential in shaping the success of the Port Towns Sector Plan and we are grateful to those who have contributed so far!

View the links below to see the workshop activities and the feedback obtained:

Workshop activity with comments 

Workshop Photos

Timelapse Video

Focus Group Meetings (April 2024)

Thank you for participating in the Port Towns Sector Plan Focus Group meetings on April 24 and 25, 2024. We appreciate your commitment and the valuable time dedicated to talking about topics such as Community Heritage, Culture, and Design, Public Facilities, Land Use, Housing & Neighborhoods, Economic Prosperity, Natural Environment, Healthy Communities, and Transportation and Mobility during this 2-day discussion session. Subsequently, we anticipate utilizing this feedback in the Port Towns Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment to shape the future of Port Towns communities. Again, thanks for your valuable feedback! 

Please access the links below to see the topics of discussion and the feedback obtained: 

Open House (March 2024)

The Prince Georgeโ€™s County Planning Department held anโ€ฏin-person community Open Houseโ€ฏat the Edmonston Recreation Center for the Port Towns Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) on Wednesday, March 20th, where residents and community stakeholders were encouraged to share their thoughts on the current and future needs of the community.  

The sector plan update and SMA project re-examine the Port Towns area for redevelopment possibilities through the lens of zoning, land use, market conditions, and environmental constraints. 

Access the links below to see the open house activities and the feedback obtained:

Steering Committee Meeting (January 2024)

Those who could not attend the meeting can view a summary of the Steering Committee’s presentation and discussion board here.

Community Events

Summer 2023 โ€“ Summer 2024

We would like to thank and highlight everyone who has stopped by to talk to the project team during a community event. Your feedback over the past year was integral to helping the project team understand Port Town’s existing conditions and is helping to craft a future vision and plan for the area that reflects its community.


Welcome to our Resource Center!

Here you will find information related to the Port Towns Sector Plan and the planning process in Prince Georgeโ€™s County. There are many resources located below that will show you what the planning team has been working on. You will be able to view project materials such as PowerPoint presentations, videos, and draft reports presented at our many community engagement events with residents and stakeholders.

Planning in Prince Georgeโ€™s County

The Prince Georgeโ€™s County Planning Department is working tirelessly to create communities of choice that you know and love. We want to provide our residents with all the resources they need to remain informed and a part of the process by which their communities develop and grow. Below are some resources that can help you navigate the planning process and learn about current initiatives.

Previous Plans and Studies

Battle of Bladensburg


What is a Sectional Map Amendment (SMA)?

A sectional map amendment (SMA) is a comprehensive rezoning amendment for properties within an entire geographic area, such as a subregion, planning area, or part of a planning area. The purpose of an SMA is to revise zoning patterns to conform to the recommendations of the applicable master or sector plan. SMAs are adopted for most plans except for the general plan and functional master plans. An SMA is being done concurrently with this sector plan and will recommend zoning changes for specific properties to achieve the sector planโ€™s vision and goals.

What is the relationship between this SMA and the Countywide Map Amendment?

The Countywide Map Amendment (CMA) changed the zoning of every property in the County, outside of the City of Laurel, to implement the Countyโ€™s adopted 2018 Zoning Ordinance. This sector plan and SMA are proceeding under the 2018 Zoning Ordinance and the CMA that went into effect on April 1, 2022. Specific zoning changes beyond what is covered in the CMA are needed to implement the sector plan in the Central Avenue-Blue/Silver Line area.

What are the implications of any zoning changes to a property as a result of this plan?

If the planning process recommends rezoning, that will happen at the end of the planning process through a legal update to the zoning map. Even if a property is rezoned, nothing can physically happen to the property unless the owner initiates a change (e.g., sale or redevelopment). Keep in mind that sector plans only produce recommendations for the future; no change can occur to a privately owned property unless initiated by the owner.

How will I know if my property is recommended for a different zone?

If your property is recommended for rezoning through this plan and SMA, you will be notified through US mail, per 27-3407 Scheduling of Hearings and Public Notice of the Zoning Ordinance. Plan recommendations are evaluated through:

  • A public comment period through the Joint Public Hearing (Planning Board and District Council) process
  • Work sessions
  • If required, a second Joint Public Hearing and work session

The Prince Georgeโ€™s Planning Department welcomes and encourages public participation and feedback up until the final version of the plan goes to the County Council for approval. Note that it is the County Council that has the power to approve the plan and authorize changes to the zoning map.

Does a change in zoning mean I am at risk of losing my property?

No. A sector plan is aspirational and outlines goals and makes recommendations for the future of a planning area over a 25-year period. Sector plans do not remove ownership or impose development mandates on residential property owners. If a property owner wants to redevelop a property after the County Council approves and adopts a sector plan and the sectional map amendment, then the new zoning rules would apply.

Planning in Prince George’s County

Tree lined sidewalks (Valleytrail Ln)The Prince George’s County Planning Department is working tirelessly to create the communities of choice you know and love. We want to provide our residents with all of the resources they need to remain informed and a part of the process by which their communities develop and grow. Below, you will find some resources that can help you navigate the planning process and learn about current initiatives.

What is M-NCPPC?

Citizen’s Handbook

Port Towns Sector Plan and SMA logo